Tuesday, June 30, 2009

siti nurhaliza

on 27th of june 2009.. i got class at 2pm.... wait until 715pm my clss still on...
im suppose rush up for siti nurhaliza's concert....SATU.
at 720pm.. my friend, malyn called... said dat the car parking at istana budaya full already...by 730pm... i really2 got to go...
i told my teacher, Puan Norzarina Sulong that i got something up... then she let me go.... (actually class finished at 830pm dat day).
went for changing...
by 825pm... i was in istana budaya...
the concert started around 840pm...
she's so gorgeous...
the concert finished around 1100pm... when u enjoy ur time, times run so fast....
after dat i went to take some photos n bought some siti's souvenir.. hoping for her signature but i missed it up... the q was too long.... i got 1 cap, a t-shirt, note book and her latest album....
soo sleepy already... around 1200pm.. i send my friend home but... b4 that, took late supper.. tandoori n naan.... best....
went home n sleep.... need to be early for the class on sunday....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


in Deutsch they say "Ich liebe dich"
in French it is "Je t'aime"
i use the English version
but "i love you" just the same


reaching high numbers of years
doesn't mean being old
keep mind and body busy
think positive thoughts
that's the best way there is
to stay a healthy survivor

Monday, June 22, 2009

cats don't care.......

cats don't care what dogs think
they just look down and sorta wink
perch themselves, way up high
the dog barks and start to cry
its really not fair, those agile cats,
hiding in places, just like rats
the dogs want to play, join in the fun
chase that cat, make it run
but the cats care less, don't want to play fair
like to tease, don't have a care
poor dog sits and wonder why?
sly old cat naps with a sigh
dog keeps guard, waiting for a twitch
cat doesn't move, don't even for an itch
the game goes on, cat unaware
the dog just pleads, please care

girls things

20 things girls want guys to know
1. we love when you cuddle us 2. a kiss on the cheek is a definite yes 3. we want you to put your arm around us at the movie 4. we don’t care if you are the strongest guy in the world 6. size doesn’t matter so don’t tell us 7. we shouldn’t have to plan everything 8. we always ready to talk.. so call us 9. we’re not perfect so deal with it 10. we love surprises 11. the little thing you do mean the most 12. we re not always girly girls 13. we can like boys stuff too 14. cursing & fighting don’t impress us 15. don’t be mean to us to get out attention 16. don’t tell us who is not hot because we don’t care 17. we can tell when you are not listening 18. when we say we are cold that’s our invitation to come closer 19. hugs mean more sometimes 20. we need your advice sometimes so dont afraid to give

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Best Friend

you're special
people stand out
for a lot of reasons,
but you stand out
for all the best reasons.
you're outstanding
because you're YOU.


when a GIRL is quiet,
millions of thing are running in her mind.
when a GIRL is not arguing,
she is thinking deeply.
when a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions,
she is wondering how long you will be around.
when a GIRL stares at you,
she is wondering why you are lying.
when a GIRL lays on your chest,
she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
when a GIRL calls u everyday,
she is seeking for your attention.
when a GIRL sms's u everyday,
she wants you to reply at least one.
when a GIRL says I love u,
she means it.
when a GIRL says that she can't live without you,
she has made up her mind thet you are her future.
when a GIRL says. "i miss u",
no one in this world can miss you more than her.....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


i went to "cukur jambul" ceremony for kEisha,
my Friend's 51 days DaugHter last weEken
and i catch diz butterfly home... sOooo cute..
thaNks alot KeiSha....


cute kolaj & pencil color artwork..
by my 8 years old nephew...


something nice i
found at ROXY...

Monday, June 15, 2009


i'm not a perfect girl.
my hair doesn't always stay in the place &
i spill things alot. i'm pretty clumsy &
sometimes i have a broken heart.
my friends & i sometimes fights &
maybe some days nothing goes right.
but when i think about it & take a step back
i remember how amazing life truly is
& that maybe. just maybe. i like being


to LoVe iS NoThing...
TO be Loved is S0meTHing....
to LoVe & be Loved is EverYThing....

Friday, June 12, 2009


one your
heart gets
you start
to see cracks in

soo sweet... soo cute....

i asked u if i was PRETTY, u said NO
i asked u if i was FAT, u said YES OF COURSE
i asked if u WANTED to be with me forever, u said NO
i asked u if u would CRY if i walked away, u said NO
i had heard to much, and i need to leave and,
as i walk away....
u grabbed my arm and told me to stay.
u said...
The only thing FAT, or BIG, about u is ur HEART
i dont WANT to be with u forever, i NEED to be with u forever
and.... I wouldnt CRY if u walk away....
i would DIE...

Misty Moon

not until the misty moon
will the owl hoo one more
as the darkness fall
and the moggy cat bawls
all the bats come out to prie
casting shapes, darting & tumbling
striking fear into the hearts of many
only the hoo of old owl
as he guards the fort
can calm the quivering soul
semual evans

art?.. ermm......

white cleaning up my place, i found diz piece of paper... hahaha... Jessica N Sahak... original master piece from Ujang mag, the artist was AYIE.... i think i did diz thing maybe 8-10 years ago while the series still around us (actually, the correct words maybe, while i still know how to draw).... huhuhu..... cant really remember when was that..... actually the series start around 1997 if im not mistaken. Anybody know when it was? erm.... maybe i should start training my hand again.... cant really depands on computer too much... (there few thing dat computer cant read & do).... like feeling.... when u see diz kind of work.. u straight away can read the owner, not like computer's art work....


my handkerchiefs collection.... from my old friend, Mio Ohara.... japanese gal dat i knew 21 years ago..... n if im not mistaken, these handkerchiefs atleast 15 years already....

pencil box

my luvly...
new pencil box...
(from my special one)
as my friend said..... (aneal words)
just like me...

old time...

my sis's, bro n me....

Life 3

life is not measure by the
number of breaths we take,
but by the number of moments
that take our breath away

Best Friend

i always b besides u
until the very end,
wiping all your tears away,
being ur best friend
i'll smile when u smile
& feel all the pain u do.
& if u cry a single tear,
i'll promise i'll cry too...


u know
more than you
think u do.


There is beautiful
a Word
a Rhyme
a Place;
There is Trust
A truth in Time and Space
Then, there is u and I
And in Truth
we can Trust
And in Trust
We can LOVE
-e. laurence bake-

Saturday, June 6, 2009


when i did something really really different...
banner design for medication?


my BosS wEnt to italy &
aLl i Got is diz
"HauNted" ColiseuM.
No. 5 most haunted in the World :
Coliseum, Rome, Italy.
At the height of Rome’s power the Coliseum represented everything that was Imperial to the citizens of Rome. Gladiators would fight to the death here for the amusement of Caesar and the mobs; thousands of prisoners of war and victims of religious persecution met their end in the jaws of lions and tigers in the sandy arena of the Coliseum; and even those animals were decimated, for in its time the Coliseum consumed tens of thousands of animals, some reportedly driven into extinction by the Roman lust for blood and gore.The workings of the Coliseum, the place where the real grit of life took place, were in the vaults beneath the sandy floor. Now long ago exposed by the ravages of time, there is still a pervasive feeling of awe associated with the lingering presence of a power so mighty it once encompassed the entire known world.
In the pits beneath the Coliseum, gladiators waited to fight, prisoners waited to die, and average Romans placed bets on the outcomes of myriad competitions. Such a fabric of life can’t help but wrap itself around the pillars and posts that make up the foundation of this ancient charnel house, and it is no surprise that many reports of ghostly activity have been associated with the Coliseum over the years.
Tour guides and visitors alike have reported cold spots, being touched or pushed, hearing indiscernible words whispered into their ears; security guards with the unenviable task of securing the ancient edifice have reported hearing the sounds of swords clashing, of weeping in the more remote areas, and, oddly enough most disconcerting, the sound of ghostly animal noises such as the roars of lions and elephants. Ghostly citizens have been seen among the seats of the Coliseum, and the sight of a Roman soldier standing guard, silhouetted against the night sky, is a common one.
With such ancient history and such a legacy of death and bloodshed, there is little wonder why the
Roman Coliseum is one of the most haunted places in the world.

Friday, June 5, 2009


my latest book with the very
special book mark...
just luv them...
lisa nichols
people have a tendency to look at the thing that they want and say, "Yes, i like that, i want it." however, they look at the thing that they don't want and they give them just as much energy, if not more, with the idea that they can stamp it out, they can eliminate it, obliterate it. In our society, we're become content with fighting against thing. Fighting against cancer, fighting against poverty, fighting against war, fighting against drugs, fighting againts terrorism, fighting against violence. we tend to fight everything we don't want, which actually creates more of fight.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


whats melt me? ermmm..... guys in white shirt...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


tOo cuTe..


u crush her spirit. but she still holds on; u take her for granted. but she still has smile on her face; u make her cry. but she knows everything will be fine; u tell her u don’t love her. and she breaks down.