Friday, May 22, 2009

The Earth Faeries...

The loamy richness of the soil inspires the Earth Faeries to create floral bowers deep in the forests where no human eye will ever see them. The comfort the mice babies when their mother is out finding food, and whisper affectionate words to blind moles and worms who industriously tunnel the soil. Their capable hands provide healing herbs and plants to injured animals.
Raella Lavenderbalm's clan has herbs and flowering shrubs of the garden at its disposal. To the Faeries belongs the perfume of crushed lavender leaves in the summer rain, of basil and thyme flowering under the heat of the sun, of full-blown roses strewing their petals carelessly on the ground. Their busy hands orchestrate the opening of flowers in the morning lights, and they mix healing potions from the array of fragrant herbs at their command.
Deep within the loamy richness of the forest is where Chrystann Leafshimmer's clan has its abode. There, the gloom of pine-scented coverts, the Faeries of the clan labour to bring forth the sweet fruits and rich acorns that will feed the hungry forest creatures. Dusky blackberries, rich with aromatic juice, hang like jewels in the midst of the thorny thickets, and the air is filled with the tang of ripe barries, the woody loam of decaying leaves and the green smells of fresh shoots.
Caerlena and Karyssa Fenmire's clan makes its homes in the marshes, surrounded by still water and abundant birt life. Here, the marsh warbler's cries float eerily across the water like sighs oflost lover and bare trees raise pleading arms towards the heavens. Their abode is wild, untamed, mysterious, filled with aromas of mud and weed, the dark and heady scent of still waters and sensuously twining roots.
Deep in the thickets, the Faeries of Bayarde and Rayah Nutbrown have their domain amid thick tree-trunks, teh most-covered homes of fantastic fungi and hanging linchen, venerable woodland gaints festooned with wreaths of ivy and trailing creepers. Here teh earth ias carpeted with thick layers of fallen leaves, cushioning the footsteps and cracking with dry twigs. It is a place of musty scents and sleepy sunlight, of the sharp, fresh tang new-fallen snow lying heavy on creaking branches in the winter, and warm burrows for small forest creature.

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